Laser Therapy

Animal Laser Therapy At Longridge VetsWe are proud to have invested in a class 3 laser machine.  This brings another modern addition to our practice to be able to offer a new service

What can laser help?                                

Laser can be used for a variety of conditions to help with both pain and tissue healing.

It can be very effective for pets with:

  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Joint, ligament or tendon problems
  • Skin conditions
  • Wounds
  • Post surgery wounds
  • Chronic urinary problems
  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Gum disease

How does laser work?

The focused light beam has several effects on the tissues.  

Normally, when tissues become injured or inflamed the process of inflammation helps the body heal itself.  The end result is repaired tissue.  For example a healed scar on the skin, or a healed pain-free tendon following an injury.  In many circumstances this process may be slowed or even stuck in a circle of pain and inflammation for example in chronic joint or skin conditions.

When using lasers the cells absorb the light and this stimulates the cells to heal.  It essentially stimulates the cells to heal as they should do normally!  

We have invested in the best of the lasers for animal treatment.  There are several types available on the market.  We are using a class 3.

What happens during a laser appointment?

Our Registered Vet Nurses (RVNs) carry out laser treatments.  It is done in a consultation (or in theatre for those who have just had surgery).  Eye protection googles are placed on your pet and on anyone in the room.  Your pet is settled and comforted, usually on the floor, or wherever they are most comfortable.  The laser probe is slowly moved over the area to be treated.  The pets usually find it very relaxing……it’s like a slow gentle massage!  The appointment usually lasts 15-30 minutes.

Is it painful for my pet?

No, not at all.  Quite the opposite.  They usually enjoy it.

How often will my pet need treatment? 

This depends on the condition that is being treated.  For postoperative healing a one-off session will help the wound heal.  For chronic conditions the vet and RVN will be able to advise.  For example once a week for a few weeks to monitor the condition.

How Quickly Does Laser Work?

This depends on the condition.  Typically, in chronic conditions, you may start to see changes within a few sessions.  For acute problems a one-off session may be all that is needed.

Are there any risks?

The risks are very low.  There is a risk of eye injury if the laser shines in the eye.  Safety goggles are worn by all in the room, including the pet, and must not be removed whilst the laser is on.

In theory there is a very low risk of a skin burn.  This is if the laser becomes too hot in one spot.  To avoid this, the laser in constantly moved and the skin is monitored.   

What is the cost?

As with all our prices, we strive to keep costs as low as possible for our clients.

We have priced our laser competitively at:

£9.99 During an operation
£19.99 For a laser appointment with an RVN 

Need further information?

Please call to speak to one of our nurses on 01772 783327

Our Laser Therapy Leaflet

You can download this laser therapy information as a pdf document by clicking HERE.